Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Or BPH

A Diagnosis of BPH

First of all, males as well as females must know what is an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Awareness is the first step to make sure that everyone at risk of developing this condition manages it well.  Suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia does not mean you are suffering from cancer. The word “benign” means just that — non-cancerous.  Through the years of treatment and diagnosis, medical experts have categorized the physical condition as LUTS or Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, because it is also possible for a guy to experience the symptoms of BPH even when the prostate is not enlarged.

The Prostate as a Gland

Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Or BPHThis gland is only present in males.  It is located in the body’s urinary system or urinary tract, specifically around the urethra where urine is expelled from the body. The risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate increases as men age, especially from 50 and up. This is one of the main reasons why urine is blocked, causing painful and/or difficult urination.

If the person does not have abnormal prostate size, then another possible reason for difficulty in urination could be a deficiency in elasticity of the bladder muscle groups.

Symptoms are categorized into three levels: mild, moderate, and severe.

BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia is not a fatal physical condition. But the effects or symptoms of an enlarged prostate are so uncomfortable that they can hinder the patient from doing simple daily tasks. Medical experts or doctors must treat this condition in order keep it from worsening and escalating into urinary tract infections, possibly damaging the bladder and kidney.

More than half of males ages 50 and up experience BPH. The good news is that most of these conditions, may not need the attention of a medical specialist. A regular doctor can help minimize the symptoms or even eliminate BPH early on. Sadly, most men who have BPH choose to leave the condition untreated, leading to further organ damage.

Factors in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Or BPHScience views the main reason for the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia as aging. Next to that is the increased production of hormones namely, dihydrotestosterone and testosterone.  These 5a-reductase hormones increase and infest the prostate gland, causing the gland to be inflamed or increase in size. One thing noted by the experts is that the chances of developing BPH in men who have their testicles removed early on is ZERO. This means that the testicles can also be considered as a factor for this condition.

The environment and common food also affect the development of BPH. Studies of Asians show a lesser rate of BPH. However, those Asians who migrated to North America developed BPH at the same rates as natives and/or the Caucasians of the region. In contrast, Africans and/or African Americans have a higher threshold for the age in developing BPH — at least 60 and up compared to 50 and up for others.

Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The most common symptom present in BPH is difficulty in urinating, which can range from mild to severe. The difficulty can either be in initiating urination or in the actual process of stopping it. The frequency for urination is also considered a symptom, if the person is observed urinating more often, even if the bladder is not yet really full.

The Actual Diagnosis

The ISPS or the International Prostate Symptom Scale is used to help in the diagnosis. If there is any problem with the prostate that must be addressed, this chart will help the doctor see the severity of the prostate condition. The ISPS works in conjunction with the person’s complete medical history to study whether a possibility of prostate enlargement is present. The next steps are diagnostic procedures, which range from several physical tests (including a rectal examination) to laboratory tests (including a blood and urine test). If a even a slight risk of cancer is seen, the doctor will perform more tests to confirm suspicions.

Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Or BPHOther tests like sediment analysis to microscopic process and other urinalysis may be performed in order to rule out or see if there is a urinary tract infection. While an ultrasound is necessary, a urine flow measurement, and catheterization are also required for urgent or severe cases of prostate enlargement. Doctors may also request a PSA or prostate antigen tests.

Based on the looks of it, BPH is something quite inevitable as men age, but it can also be avoided with proper body care. Studies show that going for the right diet (healthy and beneficial choice of foods) and daily exercises can reduce the risk of developing prostate conditions, especially BPH.  This is based on the fact that fats are reduced or eliminated around the prostate area, one of the factors in the development of BPH.

Nevertheless, it is better for a person to have himself checked if he feels the slightest symptoms of BPH.  If the symptoms do not exist or if you have family members who have had conditions such BPH or prostate cancer, go through the series of medical checkups on or before age 50 to ensure that the bladder and prostate are working the way they should.

How to Improve Overall Prostate Condition

How to Improve your Overall Prostate Condition

The condition called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is also known as an Enlarged Prostate. This is an internal gland condition where its size increases overtime due to several factors. BHP is most common with men in their 50s and up. Prostates can already become enlarged even if the symptoms have not yet appeared. Nevertheless, the most common enlarged prostate symptoms include the presence of blood in the urine, painful urination, and frequent urination.

How to Improve Overall Prostate ConditionOne way to minimize the effects of prostate enlargement is by changing the lifestyle, or better yet the diet. Foods rich in essential nutrients are extremely beneficial to the health condition of the prostate by reducing the fats surrounding the prostate or the entire urinary tract.  This also reduces the effects of the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in the long run.

Use Natural Products to Improve the Prostate

By consuming at least two servings of fruits or vegetables everyday, you can improve the overall health of the prostate.  Fruits or vegetables filled with lycopene such as: tomato, guava, rosehip, red chilies, grapefruit, and watermelon help this type of diet. The bright color of lycopene in these fruits and vegetables indicates that they are rich in antioxidants, which flushes out toxins. These are the toxins that accumulate and settle in the body and cause the weakening of the internal organs.

Men are urged to reduce their consumption of cholesterol and fats such as those found in dairy products like: whole milk, butter or margarine, cheese, ice cream, etc. Doctors also encourage minimizing red meat consumption as well as all other fatty foods.  Studies show that these kinds of food can increase the level of hormone in men to fluctuate, which may cause BPH.

How to Improve Overall Prostate ConditionOn the other hand, other type of fats called omega-3 contain fatty acids that can reduce the bad cholesterol, which may develop as fat covering on the prostate. Fresh water fish like sardines, mackerel, and salmon have substantial amounts of omega-3. This also neutralizes the hormone level in the body as well as reduces inflammation.

Some medical experts also suggest that consuming flaxseed oil everyday can also help when omega-3 is scarce, since fresh water fish are not very economical. Also, raw pumpkin seeds with high levels of zinc can also help improve the condition of the prostate as well as the overall health of the body. All these are great additions to the daily menu.

Can a Vegetarian Diet Help Improve the Prostate?

Studies suggest that a lot of soy improves the prostate as well as the overall health of the body. This means that tofu, tempe, and soy milk are great for you in this matter. Soy is rich in isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen, helpful in balancing the level of hormones in the body.  This substance also improves cholesterol levels in the body, minimizing the risk of heart conditions, arthritis, and certain cancers.

By increasing the amount of fiber in the diet, especially from fruits and vegetables, you can flush out toxins and fats from the body. The fiber enhances bowel movement, thus, reducing pressure on the prostate as well.

There many supplement selections in the market today conveniently available to consumers. These supplements also reduce the symptoms of an enlarged prostate in the long run. Progressive Health Inc. has some of these products, beneficial for cases where nutrients are not absorbed properly due to prostate enlargement.

Surgical Procedures For Enlarged Prostate

Surgery for an Enlarged Prostate

Science knows a few reasons why people experience some problems with their prostate or some symptoms of BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia that require surgical procedures. Some of them are:

  1. Surgical Procedures For Enlarged Prostate The patient cannot urinate.  At least half of males not physically well enough to urinate require catheterization.  In catheterization, a tube is inserted into the urethra down to the bladder in order to flush out urine. The other half of males experiencing trouble will require some invasive surgical procedure.
  2. There can be a blockage to the urethra, which may also cause urinary tract infection, stones in the bladder, and damage to the bladder.
  3. There is blood in the urine, and it does not improve through simple medications.
  4. The kidney is damaged.

Sometimes, although the BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia symptoms are absent, the doctor may still order surgical procedures in order to eliminate uncomfortable effects, or if other treatments failed to resolve the problem.

In such a case, consider the following:

  1. Will the procedure(s) really help in minimizing the effects of prostate problems, or completely resolve the problem?
  2. How extent is the prostate enlargement or any other prostate problem?
  3. What are the post surgery effects or complications?

The most common surgical procedures administered for BPH are usually less invasive, such as when tools designed specially to penetrate the urethra down to the prostate are used, also known as “transurethral surgical procedures”.

Transurethral Resection

  1. The most widely used surgical procedure is called “transurethral resection” or TURP when part of the prostate is removed.
  2. Other surgical procedures being administered to treat prostate problems are rarely used compared to TURP such as:
  • The TUIP or Transurethral Incision of the Prostate where the prostrate is cut to minimize or release the pressure to the urethra.
  • The Transurethral Laser Vaporization or Transurethral Laser Coagulation where a laser technology cuts the prostate to relieve pressure in the urethra.
  • The TUMT or Transurethral Microwave Therapy where a microwave kills tissues in the prostate and some surrounding areas.
  • The TUNA or Transurethral Needle Ablation where a warm or hot needle kills the tissues in the prostate or some surrounding area.

Surgical Procedures For Enlarged ProstateThese surgical procedures are very recent, and their effectiveness has not yet been established.

The open prostatectomy is a more common type of procedure where the surgeon accesses the prostate through a surgical cut in order to minimize and/or eliminate BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia and its uncomfortable effects.

This particular procedure is commonly used for patients with severe cases.

Things that Need to be Considered

While there are many ways to resolve prostate enlargement and other prostate problems, the existing surgical procedures still provide the highest rates of success. Yet even these cannot guarantee 100% success since there is still the possibility of persistent symptoms.

Also, surgical procedures can cause post-surgical effects such as: incontinence, impotence, and retrograde ejaculation (where semen goes straight to the bladder rather than the penis.)  At least, most of the time, the patients who have undergone surgical procedures experience relief.

If the physical condition of the prostate calls for a surgical procedure, the patient must consider which procedure to undergo, depending on the extent of the prostate enlargement.  Doctors commonly recommend TURP and TUIP under such conditions. TURP is recommended for patients with a higher level of prostate enlargement, while TUIP is for those patients who have minor prostate conditions.  The procedures are performed differently; both of them give the same relief for patients.

7 Symptoms Requiring Immediate Treatment

Seven Enlarged Prostate Symptoms that Demand Immediate Attention

Most men will have to deal with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) related issues as they age. The symptoms of an enlarged prostate typically manifest in men who are over 50 years old. By the time most men turn 60 they will have experienced some prostate issues. By the time most men turn 80, about 90% of all men will be dealing with an enlarged prostate.

The Physical Conditions Or Symptoms that Demand Immediate Medical Treatments

For the most part, the symptoms of BPH will not be severe. This is a time when many guys begin to notice several symptoms of a variety of medical issues, so enlarged prostate symptoms can often be ignored and cast off as something that cannot be avoided as they age. This is usually not a problem because the majority of symptoms of an enlarged prostate are mild. If they are not bothering you extensively, you can get by without treating them.

But, in some instances, prostate cancer is an issue and, if it is not treated, it will get into other parts of the body and will lead to your death. Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. right now.

View our top 5 Effective BPH solutions –>>

What to Look For

A variety of prostate symptoms could be a sign of worse conditions, but, as is the case with almost all medical conditions, these symptoms can be related to all kinds of conditions, some mild and some severe. If the symptoms go away quickly, they are probably not related to an enlarged prostate, but were probably related to an infection. But if the symptoms do not go away, or come back frequently, you are probably dealing with an enlarged prostate.

Here are seven of the BPH symptoms that cannot be ignored.

1. Problems with the ability to urinate

2. A weakened urine stream

3. The stopping and starting of urine flow

4. The inability to completely empty the bladder or the feeling that you need to go again even if you have just gone

5. The need to urinate urgently

6. Frequent urination, especially at night

7. The inability to stop the flow of urine when you are finished urinating

These seven signs are indications that an enlarged prostate is beginning to occur or is already present. In most instances, these are nothing to worry about, but they can also indicate that prostate cancer could be present.

You cannot tell on your own whether or not you simply have a Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or if you have prostate cancer. You need to be mindful of these symptoms, do not allow them to get out of control, and get yourself checked out by a physician as soon as you can. By not waiting, you can get treatment for either condition. Ignoring the symptoms will not make them go away, and can in fact, make things worse, especially if they are due to the presence of cancer. It is important to seek treatment right away to keep it from spreading and to alleviate your discomfort.

View our top 5 Effective BPH solutions –>>

Alternative Treatments For Enlarged Prostate

Prostate Alternative Treatments

It is true that enlarged prostate symptoms can be uncomfortable. Luckily science has provided several things that can help minimize the effects or even eliminate the possibility of developing a prostate problem such as the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate.  Logically speaking, simple changes in lifestyle can play a big role in sealing the enlarged prostate.

On the other hand, some medications and natural remedies can also make sure that the symptoms are eliminated or enhance the overall health of the prostate and the rest of the urinary tract.  The right combination of herbs and proper nutrients help in the entire process of improving the health of the prostate condition.

Some Alternative Steps in Improving the Prostate Condition

  1.  Alternative Treatments For Enlarged ProstateA patient or person with BPH or enlarged prostate notices that he needs to cut his sleep short and go to the restroom to urinate, he should reduce the amount of water or any liquid intake before bedtime. Another idea is to reduce the amount of caffeinated and alcoholic drink consumption.
  2. One suffering from the enlarged prostate or BPH should also get some relaxation because this can also help reduce the amount of fats in the prostate and the rest of the urinary system. It can be hard to relax if you have lived most of life with a very busy schedule. Luckily, there are some guides and professionals who can help and teach the person how to get some ideal relaxation.
  3. It is better for men to avoid medications that contain antihistamines, decongestants, and all other medications that contain common substances that can contribute to prostate enlargement or BPH. These over-the-counter medications can damage the muscle groups in the bladder, which can later cause prostate irritation and enlargement. You can minimize the effects and promote faster healing by taking several warm baths in a day. Avoid stagnant positions, take a quick walk if you must sit the whole day at work or better yet, get some daily simple exercises.
  4. Consider taking supplements that contain zinc or eat food rich in zinc. According to some studies, 30 to 60 mg of zinc each day can greatly help minimize the effects or even eliminate the risk of prostate enlargement. Although this suggestion has not been medically proven, it will do no harm if a person tries this.
  5. Most Europeans believe that Saw Palmetto is especially effective to improve problems with prostate conditions. Studies have determined the effectiveness of saw palmetto and concluded that the substances in this natural wonder can help reduce the effects of enlarged prostate or BPH symptoms, if not totally eliminate the development of BPH.

8 Treatments Considered Homeopathic

8 Homeopathic Treatments for BPH

As men age, the risk of developing some prostate problems increases as well.  The most common prostate condition that is not life threatening is BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia. Other conditions are considered dangerous, such as inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) and prostate cancer.  This enlargement is very common, and that is why doctors really consider it a part of aging in men.

The prostate contributes to the process of ejaculation.  It is the gland that produces the fluid necessary for semen to be properly secreted.  The prostate becomes active during puberty, and it gets bigger as the person ages.

Most of the time, the person won’t experience any symptoms until the age of 40. Treatments are only required if the symptoms worsen, and they usually appear when the person reaches 60.

Pressure increases in the urethra if the prostate becomes larger than its normal size. This is one of the reasons why urination becomes harder as it weakens the bladder in time.

An Enlarged Prostate will show the Following Symptoms:

  1. Difficulty in urination.8 Homeopathic Treatments for BPH
  2. Dysuria or painful urination.
  3. Weakened urethral reflex or difficulty in allowing urine to flow in the urethra or stopping the flow.
  4. Problem in clearing the urine in the bladder.
  5. Leaking of the urine due to the weakened urethral reflex.
  6. Increased urination.
  7. Involuntary urination.
  8. Irritation in the scrotum area.
  9. Uncomfortable feeling during ejaculation.

A lot of men experiencing these symptoms ignore them because they feel ashamed with their condition. But this is not a good way to deal with it, since it will definitely worsen everything. This include symptoms such as pain and the development of serious conditions in the kidney and prostate.

Common Homeopathic Treatments

Some items found in the kitchen help minimize the effects of prostate enlargement. These products can also eliminate the actual prostate condition and all its complications.  Some of the home items include:

  1. Corn Silk has been an alternative medicine, especially for prostate problems or Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia.  The husk of the corn is boiled until the extract mixes with the water. You then drink it like usual tea.
  2. Fish is rich in omega-3 such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon, which can help minimize the risk of tumors.
  3. A German doctor discovered pumpkin seeds.  The seeds minimize the development of BPH, made possible because of the zinc content, which enhances the overall condition of the immune system.  You can eat the seeds as is, or boil them to make a tea as well.
  4. Saw Palmetto extract has been proven effective in enhancing the urinary system; it frees the urethra from any blockage as well as prevents anything that can block urine passage. The extract hasproaxil a substances that can affect hormone production, which will minimize the size of the prostate.  Consult a doctor to find out the recommended dosage taken, depending on the condition of the prostate.
  5. Soy and soy based food contains phytoestrogens, known to help the body lower the level of testosterone.  Testosterone is a known contributor in the development of cancer and tumors in the body, especially in the prostate.
  6. Stinging Nettle is popular, especially in Europe for a long time now.  This herb is potent enough to minimize or eliminate the symptoms of BPH or prostate enlargement.  It works by preventing testosterone binding to the cells. Consult a doctor specializing in prostate health to find out about the recommended dosage.

Simple Things that can Make a Difference in Prostate Care

  1. Drinking lots of water everyday will definitely help.  At least 8 glasses of water is all the body needs to clean the organs, especially the prostate and urinary tract.
  2. Reduce consumption of red meat and fats.
  3. Check your prostate at least annually or if any symptoms appear.
  4. Avoid drinking alcohol, or simply lessen alcohol consumption if you can’t
    completely avoid it.

Treatments And Solutions

Treatments & Solutions for Prostates

The solutions and treatments for enlarged prostates vary. These depend on the extent of the prostate problem, and its physiological effect also plays a big role in determining the right solution.  There are in fact a good number of treatments available to resolve the problem — the most basic among them is to carefully watch for some possible symptoms, modify the lifestyle to something that will favor the overall condition of the prostate, and taking prescribed drugs, or going for the surgical or proven medical procedure.

Those people in their 60s and up are prone to developing prostate problems.  The bothersome part is that most of the people who already have enlarged prostate, mostly men, do not feel or see any symptoms.  If diagnosed in an early stage, the individuals can just make some changes with their diet and lifestyle in order to minimize the effects or even resolve the prostate enlargement.

On the other hand, if the enlargement of prostate has been classified and diagnosed as BPH, consult a medical specialist or a doctor to prevent the condition from getting worse.  Early diagnosis is always better because the options in resolving the prostate enlargement will not be limited.

Some Lifestyle Change for Early Stage or Mild Symptoms

  1. Treatments And SolutionsDo not control urination.  If your body feels like urinating, comply and do not delay the process.  Also, urinating even if you do not feel like doing so helps.
  2. As much as possible, minimize or better yet avoid caffeinated drinks or beverages especially before bedtime.
  3. Drink plenty of water the whole day (during day time) and do not drink any fluid before bedtime.
  4. Avoid taking medications that have antihistamine or decongestant as their active ingredients.  These substances greatly contribute to worsening the prostate condition.
  5. Get some exercise.  No extravagant of exercising is necessary; simple walking and running will do just fine.
  6. Keep your body comfortably warm all the time if possible.
  7. Reinforce or strengthen the vital body parts such as the pelvic area. This can be achieved by doing Kegal exercises.
  8. Avoid stress or simply minimize stress if it is something you cannot eliminate due to work or other daily factors.

On Medications

  1. Medications formulated to resolve hypertension may also help minimize the effects, or even actual prostate enlargement and other problems. These start by relaxing the prostate and muscle groups in the bladder and are all possible with the help of Alpha 1-blockers like Alfuzosin, Doxazosin, Praxozin, Tamsulosin, and Terazosin.
  2. Most of the time doctors prescribe dutasteride and finasteride in order to minimize the hormone production of the prostate, make urination easy, and minimize the symptoms of BPH.  Don’t expect an immediate result from the medication, and it may even take up to six good months before these positive effects appear.  The downsides of these substances are diminished sexual drive and even impotency.
  3. In cases of chronic prostasis, also known as inflammation of the prostate, prescribed antibiotics will lessen the inflammation and minimize some possible infections.
  4. Saw Palmetto is a natural remedy or a medication often suggested to resolve or treat BPH in replacement of the synthetic treatments.  Most men who have already tested or tried it say that it works, but some medical experts still question this fact.  If you have tried using saw palmetto and observe favorable improvements, talk to a doctor to verify and confirm its safety and effectiveness.

On Surgical Remedies

Surgical procedures are only suggested to patients who are suffering from the following symptoms:

  1. Blood presence in the urine
  2. Bladder stones
  3. Chronic or repetitive Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  4. Decrease in kidney function
  5. Urinary retention
  6. Incontinence

The surgical procedure recommendation depends on the extent of the prostate problem or how enlarged the prostate is.  Known surgical procedures for prostate enlargement include the following:

Transurethral Incision (TUIP)

Treatments And SolutionsThis surgical procedure is administered to those patients who have lesser prostate enlargement conditions, though it is similar to Transurethral Resection of the Prostate or TURP.

The process involves initiating a non-harmful cut to the prostate that enlarges the passage leading to the bladder and urethra. The process does not remove anything in the prostate.  It is also considered an outpatient procedure depending on the physical condition of the patient.

Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)

This surgical procedure is more invasive compared to TUIP.  The scope is inserted to the urethra in order to remove some parts from the prostate.  This is the most used method in treating BPH.

Simple Prostatectomy

From the word “ectomy”, which means removal of a certain body part, this surgical procedure is considered an inpatient procedure. This ensures proper management before and after the surgery.  The patient is required to stay in the hospital from seven to ten long days.

The procedure is performed by removing parts of the prostate through an incision on the stomach near the scrotum area.  This is normally done with spinal or general anesthesia.

Patients who have undergone these procedures mentioned that their urination and overall physical condition improved.

Minor Surgical Procedures

Some patients are not willing to go through invasive surgical procedures. Depending on their prostate condition, some minor surgical procedures may provide relief as well.  These procedures use heat technology to immobilize or eliminate some tissues in the prostate.  They include:

  1. Interstitial laser Coagulation (ILC / HoLEP – Holmium Laser uses beams or lasers in order to create heat that will kill the tissues in the prostate.
  2. Transurethral Electrovapurazation (TUVP) kills the prostate tissues by heat coming from the electric current.
  3. Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy (TUMT) initiates heat through microwaves.
  4. Transurethral Needle Ablation (TUNA) uses radio waves to create heat that kills or eliminates some tissues in the prostate.
  5. Water-Induced Thermotherapy (WIT) uses hot or warm water to kill the prostate tissues.

Treatments And SolutionsThese procedures have proven effective in the field of medicine already but Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) tops the list as the most recommended and proven method for treating prostate conditions. Those patients who have undergone minor surgical procedures for the prostate had a higher chance of repeating the same surgical procedure at least five or ten years later.

Nevertheless, the minor surgical procedures can be helpful for: patients of younger age, patients who are already too old to undergo invasive surgeries, and patients who have preexisting medical conditions (like addiction to alcohol, cirrhosis, diabetes, heart health problems, lung problems, and kidney problems.  Finally, the minor procedures can be helpful with people who are on medication that weakens or thins the blood.

Science and Technology have never stopped in creating and providing options for patients, and the “robot guided prostatectomy” is just one of these tested surgical procedures.  With all this, the fact remains that the Robot-Guided Prostatectomy is well beyond all other established medical or surgical producers.

Apparently, these procedures have not gotten any feedback as to their effectiveness and safety so that they can be on the market.

Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

BPH: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Having an enlarged prostate is different from having prostate cancer. The development of an enlarged prostate differs from the development of prostate cancer. Enlarged prostate is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and its development is not lethal, making its prognosis good. Despite its good prognosis, having BPH could still become uncomfortable for the person. Bladder and kidney failure, urinary tract infections (UTIs), stones of the bladder, damages of the bladder, and other medical concerns may arise if BPH is left untreated.

Causes, Diagnosis And TreatmentThe medical condition BPH is found more prevalent in men over the age of over 40. Structurally, the prostate gland is a walnut-sized mass of gland located between the bladder and the penis.

When the prostate gland becomes enlarged, it becomes difficult for the bladder to work. The bladder stores urine, and it is responsible for passing urine through the thinner linings of the urethra.

Difficulty experienced by the bladder muscles causes it to work more than usual, thus making the bladder more sensitive. The more a bladder is sensitive, the more a person urinates.

In the long run, the bladder becomes severely stressed and before it gets empty, more urine gets stored causing an excess.

Causes of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

There has been no one reason why BPH occurs, but some claim that it is because of bodily hormones. Professionals believe that male body hormones such as testosterones and other androgens lead to BPH. Testosterone is an essential hormone in the male body. Through the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the prostate gland, the tissues surrounding the prostate grow. Excessive production of androgens and excessive conversion of testosterones into DHTs cause thick tissue lining.

Other researchers believe that older men have weaker blood vessels. These weaker blood vessels decrease the blood flow and amount of oxygen passing through the prostate causing it to become enlarged.

Diagnosis and Assessment Of BPH

Causes, Diagnosis And TreatmentThere are three methods to assess and diagnose the presence or absence of BPH. The first of the three methods is the rectal exam. However, physicians often verify the presence of the prostate enlargement. The second method is with the use of blood tests, and the last is ultrasound. Ultrasounds performed during assessments must be taken on the urinary tract and prostate. Urine samples may also be used to detect infections and if these infections cause BPH symptoms.

In differential diagnoses, prostate cancers are ruled-out in order to diagnose the presence of an enlarged prostate.

Treatment of BPH

Knowing the presence of an enlarged prostate greatly aids in knowing what process will be used for treatment as well as to avoid a worsening of the condition. The patient may be asked to take oral medication or be asked to undergo surgery.

Seek medical consultation if you feel any of the symptoms of BPH. Should prescribed medications fail, medical surgery would be best to remedy the condition.

The Diagnostic For Enlarged Prostate

How to Diagnose an Enlarged Prostrate

It is always best to visit or consult a doctor if you are feeling or observing some physical symptoms of prostate enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH.  The doctor ensures a correct diagnosis in order to provide the right treatment and management. This is only possible if all other possible conditions are ruled out and determined absent.

The Diagnostic For Enlarged ProstateThe doctor examines the current physical state of the patient along with his or her medical record (medical history), and administers a series of diagnostic tests, like blood and urine examinations. These steps enable the doctor to glimpse what is happening from the inside. Sometimes, neurological tests are necessary in order to exclude other problems, such as the nerves in the bladder or prostate area.

To monitor the condition more closely, the doctor may ask the patient to complete an AUA or American Urological Association symptom index.  This chart-like item helps the doctor see if the symptom is already affecting your daily activities, but it is not considered and should not be regarded as a form of final diagnosis.

The Usual Diagnostic Examinations for Prostate Enlargement

  1. The doctor initially requires a digital rectal examination whenever the symptoms of enlarged prostate or BPH are present or observed. This determines the current state of the prostate including its size and texture. The actual size of the prostate may not be a determining factor because it can be larger than normal and still not do anything unusual to the body.
  2. The secondary diagnostic test is usually the urine culture or urinalysis that lets the doctor determine if there is an existing infection to the prostate that may be causing the symptoms.
  3. The creatinine blood examination is the third level of diagnostic. It examines the kidney to see whether it is functioning well.
  4. The last examination is the PSA or Prostate-Specific Antigen. This determines or rules out the presence of cancer in the prostate.  This is important since the symptoms of simple BPH or enlarged prostate are similar to prostate cancer.

Possible Diagnostic Procedures the Doctor Will Perform

  1. The Diagnostic For Enlarged ProstateThe doctor, depending on the condition’s urgency may go for PVR or a Post-Void Residual Urine examination to see the amount of urine in the bladder after urinating.  The usual tools to perform a PVR are ultrasound and a catheter inserted through the urethra to the bladder.
  2. The doctor may also be request a Pressure Flow Test to see and measure pressure in the bladder while urinating. This helps the doctor see something blocking the passage that may cause symptoms, while also determining or ruling out the possibility of neurological problems.
  3. Cystometrogram is another diagnostic procedure that measures the capacity of the bladder to store fluid or urine. This examination comes with an Auroflometry test, which measures the speed of the flow of the urine while in the process of urination.
  4. The doctor will often request an ultrasound to see if the prostate is enlarged or not as healthy as the kidney. This ultrasound is performed by inserting a transducer into the rectum.
  5. Another test, Cystoscopy, is used in order to see the internal condition of the bladder and the urethra and to rule out the possibility of prostate blocking (due to enlargement).
  6. IVP or an Intravenous Pyelogram may help the doctor see if the kidney is functioning well.  This determines whether the urine is properly flowing from the kidney to the bladder.
  7. The CT Scan or Spiral / Helical Computed Tomography is the final test, which somehow seals everything since it gives the detailed physical condition of the kidney, the prostate, or any internal organs of the body. This type of x-ray makes it easy for doctors to see if there is something physically wrong with the kidney or prostate.

Screening for an Enlarged Prostate

The Diagnostic For Enlarged ProstateThere are currently no tests available that directly screen for prostate enlargement. Although several examinations or screenings can help the doctor determine whether there is an existing problem in the prostate, these tests are usually done for prostate and rectum cancer.

The physiology of the prostate deteriorates as a person ages, but this also depends on how much care was given to the body during the younger years. That is why most doctors suggest a PSA or digital rectal examination. The PSA is administered to men in their 50s and up to physically monitor the condition of the prostate. This can help avoid possible cancer or determine the right treatment when a prostate problem already exists. But some doctors disagree, saying that these diagnostics can not guarantee the elimination and possibility of prostate problems such as cancer.

The patient’s screening needs ultimately may depend on the symptoms and the actual physical needs.

If you have felt or are feeling some symptoms, never self medicate or assume your current physical condition. Some people simply ignore these symptoms until everything is worsens. Prevention is definitely better than the cure, and simple preventive examinations can save time, money, and life in the future. Always consult a doctor and submit to several diagnostic procedures in order to determine the right and possibly the best treatment to treat BPH or any similar problems with their prostate. Keep in mind that self-medicating may only worsen the condition.

Talking About Enlarged Prostate

The Facts about Enlarged Prostrates

Most men don’t realize they have problems with their prostates until they are in their late thirties or early forties. During these years the walnut-sized gland begins to grow. Since the prostate gland encircles the urethra and is located just below the bladder, it causes frequent or uncontrolled urination especially at night time. The primary function of the prostate gland is to secrete seminal fluid which aids in the ejaculatory process of semen.

Talking About Enlarged ProstateAn assistant professor of urology has stated that prostate enlargement has been found to be related to the development of prostate cancer. James Smolev, MD stated that this is a reason why men ages 45 and older must undergo a yearly prostate exam.

Usually, an enlarged prostate will not develop into prostate cancer but will result in a condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

Signs and Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate

As the prostate gland grows larger, pressure on the urethra increases. More pressure results from the tightening of the muscles surrounding the urethra. Oftentimes, this pressure does not hurt but it may lead to problems with urination such as dysuria.

Men with an enlarged prostate might have to urinate as soon as they feel pressure in their bladder, or else they might have trouble with the flow, maintenance of strong flow, and ending of the flow of urine. Someone with this problem also tends to get up repeatedly due to bladder pressure and would also tend towards nocturia.

Causes of Enlarged Prostate

Certain hormones are directly related to prostate growth in men, especially older ones. During the 40s, testosterone and other hormonal levels of older men begin to drop while other hormones like prolactin increase.

Talking About Enlarged ProstateBastyr University President Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. has stated that the ultimate effect of hormonal changes is an increase in the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a converted testosterone.  DHT is a hormone responsible for the growth of tissues surrounding the prostate gland, which in turn causes BPH.

An enzyme known as 5-alphha-reductase converts testosterone into DHTs. Current BPH remedies, to be effective, must be able to inhibit the enzyme in converting testosterone.

Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Fifty percent of men over the age of 50 get to notice the signs and symptoms of BPH. The percentage of men with BPH symptoms increases as age increases. Generally, BPH symptoms worsens if proper treatment is not given however it varies with the person’s vulnerability.

According to Dr. Richard Macchia, some men experience a significant worsening of symptoms in a span of six years, while others experience this change after more years. While others notice the symptoms in the early years, some might not notice changes for 15 years or more. Some men don’t even experience the worsening of symptoms.

Seeking consultation depends on the person. According to Dr. Smolev, prostate consultation is an individual’s decision. Most of the physicians that treat prostate enlargement prescribe oral medications or even surgery, while others consider natural remedies to treat BPH.