Comprehensive Prostate Formula Review

The Comprehensive Prostate Formula claims to be one of the world’s top natural products for supporting the prostate.

Our research found that the product is marketed with phrases such as, ‘Widely-cited clinical studies’, however we were unable to verify these claims by locating any credible studies indicating these claims to be accurate.

It uses some very common herbal extracts, meaning that other than the exact measurements for its proprietary blend, the Comprehensive Prostate Formula is essentially the same as many other products.

Comprehensive Prostate Formula Ingredients

  • Zinc – “Preventing prostate cancer. Some preliminary research suggests that some men might benefit from taking zinc along with other vitamins and minerals for preventing prostate cancer. But other research suggests that taking zinc can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer and increase the risk of dying from prostate cancer.” – WebMD
  • Selenium – “Prostate cancer. There has been a lot of interest in studying whether taking selenium lowers the chance of getting prostate cancer. The interest was triggered by the observation that prostate cancer seems to be less common in men with higher selenium levels in their bodies. To date, there have been several large, long-term scientific studies. The majority of this evidence suggests that selenium does not reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer.” – WebMD
  • Saw Palmetto Berry Extract – “Treating prostate infections and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Saw palmetto doesn’t seem to help prostate infections or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Research studies to date have found that taking saw palmetto doesn’t seem to prevent prostate cancer.” – WebMD


Adults are recommended to take 4 capsules a day with food. 2 capsules twice daily is recommended. The dosage is quite high, requiring too many capsules to be ingested daily.


1 bottle of 120 vegetable capsules has an MSRP of $29.99.

Comprehensive Prostate Formula Guarantee

The Comprehensive Prostate Formula does not provide any guarantee of any kind.

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Prost-P10x Review

Prost-P10x can help with most of the prostate problems that you may experience.

It can help with having to wait for the urinary stream to begin, urinary flow that starts and stops, strong pelvic and genital sensations, weak urinary stream, dribbling urine, frequent urination, weak sexual performance, urinary tract infections and many more prostate problems.

Prost-P10x Formula

Prost-P10x contains the following ingredients:

  • Meriva Curcumin- Can help with menstrual problems and pain.
  • Quercetin Dihydrate- Quercetin can help with Menstrual problems.
  • Green tea extract- Green tea can reduce symptoms of Prostate cancer.
  • Saw Palmetto– Has been shown to help with an Enlarged prostate in some studies.
  • Cranberry extract- Can prevent urinary tract infections.
  • Stinging Nettle (root)- This root may be able to help with symptoms of BPH.
  • Beta-sitosterol- Helps with trouble urinating caused by an enlarged prostate.
  • Pygeum africanum- Relieves some of the symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate.
  • 3,3 DIM- Can help prevent prostate enlargement.
  • ZInc- Zinc has not been proven effective in the treatment of prostate cancer.
  • Vitamin D3- Vitamin D3 can help with Premenstrual syndrome.


The recommended dosage of Prost-P10x is 6 capsules daily. You can take them once daily or at random periods through at the day. They should be taken with a full glass of water and food.


The price of one 30 day supply of Prost-P10x is 89.85. This includes free shipping. Each supply comes with 30 daily packs of 6 capsules.

Prost-P10x Guarantee

Prost-P10x has a 100% money back guarantee. So if you do not like Prost-P10x, simply return it for a full refund.


Even though Vitamega Maximum Prostate Health might be a good product to some people, our research has not shown that Vitamega Maximum Prostate Health is a healthy or beneficial alternative. Prost-P10x is packed full of ingredients, but not well researched ingredients. Most of the ingredients in Prost-P10x are not even proven effective at doing anything.

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Activa Naturals Prostate Support Formula Review

Prostate Support Formula supports a healthy prostate, a healthy urinary system and can also reduce the risk of any prostate related disorders.

The Prostate Support Formula is an all-natural way to help your prostate.

It has targeted Prostate Supportive Nutrients and is made in the USA in an FDA approved facility.


Activa Naturals Prostate Support Formula Ingredients

Prostate Support Formula contains the following ingredients:

  • Saw Palmetto- Saw Palmetto has been shown to be possibly ineffective for the treatment of an Enlarged prostate.
  • Beta-Sitosterol- Beta-Sitosterol can help ease the painful symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • Quercetin– Quercetin can help with prostate pain and swelling.
  • Selenium– Selenium has been shown to be ineffective in the treatment of prostate cancer.
  • Pumpkin Seed- Used to treat BPH.


The recommended dosage for Prostate Support Formula is 3 capsules each day.


The price of one bottle of Prostate Support Formula is normally $31.95, however, they are now pricing it at $29.95. This means that you save $2.00 or 6% on each bottle of Prostate Support Formula. Each bottle contains 90 capsules.

Activa Naturals Prostate Support Formula Guarantee

Prostate Support Formula offers a 100% 60-day money back guarantee. This means that if you do not like Prostate Support Formula, you just simply return it within 60 days of purchasing and get a full refund.


Prostate Support Formula may seem cheap, because that is what it is.

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Prostacet Product Review

When it comes to promoting good prostate health, the natural chemicals called phytosterols as well as antioxidants play a big role.

NutriCology Healthy Prostate Review

NutriCology Healthy Prostate & Ovary is a blend of Chinese and Vietnamese herbs that are traditionally known to support the health of the ovary, prostate, and breast.




NutriCology Healthy Prostate Ingredients

Ingredients include the following (the product source did not provide specific amounts found in the product for any ingredient):

  • Astragalus (Root) Extract,
  • Water Plantain (Root) Extract,
  • Crinum latifolium (Leaves) Extract,
  • Bitter Melon (Fruit) Extract,
  • Papaya (Leaves) Extract,
  • Soursop (Leaves) Extract,
  • Other ingredients:  Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, cellulose, L-leucine.
    Contains: Shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster) in trace amounts.


3 capsules three times a day.


$59.03 for a 180 capsule container (a 60 day supply).

NutriCology Healthy Prostate Guarantee

The product source provided no information on product guarantees or returns but did provide a contact phone number. The product source also provided a Facebook link to  what was described as three product likes.


The product is expensive requiring at least a $59.03 investment to try out an initial supply. The company website itself, accessed via the product source, provided a well written description of company quality control and the ingredients used in different products (even though specific ingredient amounts were not included in the product description for the product reviewed). Despite this anyone considering purchasing this product should have a health care professional review the product description and should also contact the  product vendor for information on product warranties and returns.

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Swanson Prostate Essentials Plus Review

Prostate Essentials Plus is a natural way of dealing with all of your prostate health needs.

Prostate Essentials Plus contains natural ingredients that can help support your prostate.

Every ingredient in Prostate Essentials Plus is key to prostate health.

It can help with swelling, urinary problems and tenderness.

Swanson Prostate Essentials Plus Formula

Prostate Essentials Plus contains the following ingredients:

  • Zinc- Zinc is possibly ineffective in curing or preventing prostate cancer.
  • Selenium- Selenium has insufficient evidence showing that it can do anything with prostate cancer.
  • Stinging Nettles- Stinging Nettles have insufficient evidence in proving their effectiveness in treating BPH.
  • Saw Palmetto Berry Extract- Saw Palmetto may be ineffective in treating an enlarged prostate (BPH).
  • Korean Ginseng Root- Korean Ginseng Root can help in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction.
  • Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract-This can help with many of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • Pumpkin Seed Concentrate- This seed can help with the symptoms of BPH (enlarged prostate).
  • Glycine– This has shown insufficient evidence in being helpful with the symptoms of BPH.
  • L-Alanine- L-Alanine, like Glycine, had insufficient evidence showing that it can help with the symptoms of BPH.
  • L-Glutamic Acid- This can help with lowering blood pressure.
  • Beta-Sitosterol-This can help with trouble urinating that is caused by an enlarged prostate.
  • Lycopene-There is insufficient evidence showing that Lycopene can help with cancer of the colon and rectum.


The recommended dosage for Prostate Essentials Plus is 1 to 2 capsules two times daily with water.


The price of one bottle of Prostate Essentials Plus is $17.99. The normal price is $29.99. This means that you save 40% on each bottle. There are 180 capsules in each bottle of Prostate Essentials Plus.

Swanson Prostate Essentials Plus Guarantee

Prostate Essentials Plus has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with Prostate Essentials Plus, simply return it within 12 months of the purchase date. This includes a refund for postage costs on domestic orders.

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Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract ModuProst Review

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract ModuProst is a prostate health product that support fully functioning organ. It comes in a bottle with 60 capsules inside labeled as a dietary supplement. It is not evaluated by the Food and Drugs Administration but is claimed to be an effective usage with the natural ingredients that it composes.

What Does It Claim To Do?

The supplement claims to be regained and maintain the complete function of the prostate glands and prevents it from getting higher risk of diseases that are severe and degenerative. It also claims to be of a great caring product in helping a person give the utmost maintenance in order to live a long happy life.


  • This ingredient is composed of plant sterol and sterolins which reduce risk of having benign prostate hyperplasia in men.
  • Saw Palmetto Extract. This component is also a good source of sterols and steronlins of plants which reduce risk of BPH and enhance function of the prostate gland.
  • Nettle Root Extract. This ingredient is a widely known treatment for BPH or benign prostate hyperplasia.
  • This ingredient is known to inhibit or stop the cancer cells in the prostate glands. It reduces the risk of having prostate cancer.
  • Green Tea extract. This component is used to prevent the risk of the formation of prostate cancer cells.


It is advised to take one capsule twice a day in between meals. This is somehow a downside compared to other prostate health supplements which can be taken only once per day.

Possible Side Effects

There are no claims for possible side effects. However, it is advised to seek an expert’s attention for your own reaction towards the individual ingredients that may cause reactions like allergies.

Will This Product Produce Long Term Results?

Yes. Given that the consumer is following the right amount and have constant intake, the product will have lifetime results.


The product costs $30 and varies according to the site that you will purchase it in.


There are no claims for any guarantees because the manufacturer is confident with the efficacy of their product.


Overall, Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract ModuProst seems to be a very promising supplement and the reviews range from neutral to positive.

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Himalaya Herbal Healthcare ProstaCare Review

Himalaya Herbal Healthcare ProstaCare is one of the supplements being wanted by the male customers because of its effective care in their prostate glands. Since men are known to be sexually active creatures, they need to take care of their health more. This supplement may necessarily need a prescription from doctors since there are chemicals and ingredients present in the supplement that may or may not react to your body system well. ProstaCare is a new gluten-free supplement for prostate support and is scientifically and medically proven by health experts. The Himalaya Healthcare ProstaCare Products indeed maintain a healthier prostate gland for males since it focuses to work on its urongenital function so that you don’t have to frequently visit the male room. This also adds a better sexual experience for you and your partner.

Ingredients Of Himalaya Herbal Healthcare ProstaCare

  • Tribulus – often used for kidney disorder and this is known to be a water pill since it decreases the possibility of experiencing painful urination. It also can cure erectile dysfunction and spermatorrhea (release of semen) and increase ever man’s sexual desire.
  • Bonduc – decreases the enlarged prostate and improves reproductive function.
  • betelnut palm – or most commonly known as areca nut. This is used in higher risk of prostate diseases as well cancers in liver, esophagus and liver. It can also decrease your high blood pressure that may lead into Type 2 Diabetes.
  • shatavari – they have phytoestrogen compounds so that you can urinate well like a young man. They can nurture the male reproductive organs very well by strengthening the organ tissues which can cure inflammation.
  • three-leaf caper – is very popular in any Prostate support care since it improves urination. The vitamins present in three leaf caper can inhibit protein deposits.


This should only be taken twice a day (preferably after breakfast and dinner). Unlike any other Prostate Supplements, Himalaya Herbal ProstaCare does not include:


The original price of this supplement is about $41 but during discounted rates, it can go down to $35.

Himalaya Herbal Healthcare ProstaCare Guarantee

The supplement comes with a 30-day money back guarantee!


Himalaya Herbal Healthcare ProstaCare shows a fairly positive result to most users, and the ratings aren’t all that bad.

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Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete Review

Just because men are nearing that final age of maturity doesn’t mean that they would not be anymore entitled to enjoy life to the fullest. Usually, the common deterrent to men’s full satisfaction is age. And that there are a lot of activities that may be hindered as long as one would not be anymore able to enjoy some activities just because their prostate condition makes them not capable to do so.

However, with the development of the product Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete, it now provides men with the opportunity to enjoy all kinds of activities in which their prostate condition would now be able to allow them to do so.

Ingredients In Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete:

The following are the major ingredients of the Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete.

  • Saw Palmetto Berry: This has been considered to be used primarily to treat any condition related to the genitourinary tract.
  • Pygeum Bark: This type of substance has been considered to be very useful when it comes to improving the urine flow in the body.
  • Lycopene: This substance helps as an antioxidant in the prostate gland.
  • Vitamin E: It also helps stop any oxidation process to occur in the body.
  • Beta Sitosterol: It converts testosterones to DHT which aids in facilitating prostate health.


This product may be taken as a dietary supplement. This may be taken twice in a daily basis especially after every meal.

Possible Side Effects:

The best thing about this product is that it does not provide any harmful side effects to the body.

How Much Is The Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete:

The said product would cost around $24.99 which is already the discounted price already. However, its original retail price cost at around $36.44.


The Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete guarantees result but should it not work, it does not provide some money back guarantee.


The Buried Treasure Men’s Prostate Complete may only work in its most minimal sense.

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Beta Sitosterol Review

Beta Sitosterol can provide you and your prostate many benefits.

It can support the health of your prostate, boost immunity, control cholesterol, relieves menopause symptoms and can also help to relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate including burning pee, urination problems and many of the other symptoms that can come with an enlarged prostate.

Beta Sitosterol can help you with many of your life problems. It is for the health and wellness of your prostate.

Beta Sitosterol Formula

  • Beta Sitosterol– This can help with enlarged prostates, reduce symptoms of BPH, boost your immunity system and relieve prostate problems such as urine problems and burning.


The recommended dosage for the adults who are taking Beta Sitosterol is two capsules daily.


Beta Sitosterol is $11.99 for one bottle. Each bottle of Beta Sitosterol contains 90 capsules.

Beta Sitosterol Guarantee

The Beta Sitosterol guarantee is 100% money back if you are unsatisfied. This however, does not include money back on shipping. You must provide the tracking number to return the package and get any money back.


Beta Sitosterol has not been proven to be effective in any regards for the overall health of the prostate. You should avoid any supplement or treatment that includes it, as it more or less a placebo.

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