FTC Disclosure
As the owner/sponsor of this website, prostatehealthcenter.net, we aim to fully comply with all the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules and regulations regarding the use of endorsements/advertisements/marketing, testimonials, and any other content in advertising and marketing. All opinions and reviews on this website are the opinion of and were written by writers who work for ConsumerHealth.co LLC the owner and distributor of Proaxil.
The information and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the writers of ConsumerHealth.co LLC and based on their own opinions and research. The opinions and reviews are based on independent research of medical articles, products’ websites, customer reviews, other readily available information online and based on the website operators’ and writers’ personal opinions and should not be viewed as absolute scientific conclusions or truths.
Any and/or all information on products and/or services should be duly checked and verified with the manufacturer, supplier or entity in question. As a visitor to our website, your comments and questions are always welcomed. It is especially important to us, that our readers understand the relationship between a product reviewer, the product itself and the manufacturer/supplier and/or service provider. We also want our readers to be aware that if they cannot find a disclosure policy on a particular website, that such a reviewer and/or the site itself may be in violation of the law or the FTC’s Code of Ethics.